This is the required course to obtain your New York State Pistol Permit.
The Albany County Pistol Club has been teaching the New York State Pistol Permit Safety Courses for well over a decade. This course, presented in cooperation with ArmsWise, LLC, is conducted over two days, Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5 8:00am-5:00pm each day.
As per New York State law, concealed carry firearm training must include 16 hours of in-person live classroom instruction and 2 hours of live fire.
Topics include:
Firearms safety and safe handling practices
Firearm and ammunition function and operation
Cleaning and maintenance
Range safety
Holster and accessory considerations
Concealed carry considerations
Safe storage and transportation requirements
State and federal gun laws
Situational awareness and concealed carry
Conflict de-escalation and management
Effects of drugs and alcohol
Proper interaction with law enforcement
Sensitive and Restricted areas
Use of deadly force and duty to retreat / New York Penal Law Article 35
Suicide prevention / recognizing the signs
Principles of marksmanship
Fundamentals of shooting
Dry fire and live fire exercises (firearm, ammunition, eye & ear protection will be provided)
Written test
Notebook & pen
Snacks & beverages
Comfortable footwear
Open mind and attentive attitude
This class requires no advance preparation. Tuition is non-refundable.
Register on EventBrite. Link below: